From Osamu Tezuka, creator of Astro Boy, comes Metropolis, the legendary 1949 graphic novel that inspired the animated fame that floored audiences and critics alike. In a not-so-far-off future a beautiful, artifically created girl -- unaware of her n...
Habaek, the mysterious Water God, is cursed to live his days in the form of a little boy-while he turns back to his true adult self at night. His new human bride, Soah, thinks that she's been married to a child and has no idea that the attractive "Mu...
Mi-Kyung Yun takes us on another journey to Habaek's kingdom, where the cursed Water God tries to hide his dark secrets from his new bride! Humor, drama, and a bit of horror combine, as human bride Soah tries to uncover the truth behind her strange h...
Gods and mortals alike are in love with Soah! Driven from her husband Habaek's magical kingdom, Soah's life back on Earth has been pretty miserable so far, despite her many admirers. With Habaek's mother and some of his supposed friends conspiring ag...
When Soah's impoverished, desperate village decides to sacrifice her to the Water God Habaek to end a long drought, they believe that drowning one beautiful girl will save their entire community and bring much-needed rain. Not only is Soah surprised ...
With a jealous admirer and a bitter, powerful mother plotting behind his back, Habaek's controversial decision to return Soah to his magical kingdom has the elemental gods and goddesses in an uproar. Habaek, the moody water god who rescued Soah's vil...
At the start of this series, Soah was willing to sacrifice her life to the feared god Habaek to save her drought-stricken village on Earth. However, she wasn't killed by the powerful Water God - she was rescued and taken to the magical kingdom of Sug...
Trapped in a luxurious castle on the moon, Soah''s still separated from her husband, Habaek, who''s dealing with his own troubles in the Emperor''s fortress on Earth. Cursed to live in the body of a child during the day - when his elemental powers ar...
Betrayed, horribly injured, and still reeling from the fate that befell his former human bride, Habaek is reunited with Soah and seeks to patch things up with her. Will this troubled couple finally be able to recover from the treachery that's warped ...
At long last, Habaek and Soah are set to be married in a lavish ceremony before all the gods! But that very night, before the troubled water god and his beautiful human bride can consummate their love, the barriers surrounding the lunar palace are br...
Love triangles between gods, goddesses, and humans lead to betrayals and deaths in this shocking new volume of Bride of the Water God! Mura - the manipulative goddess who's been trying to separate Habaek and his human bride, Soah - forces Habaek into...
As the mountains crumble in the wake of Mura's death, a bitter goddess with a heartbreaking history of her own tempts Mui with a new possibility: abandon his godhood and spend a short but happy life with Soah as a flesh-and-blood human! But the gifts...
Mui and Soah’s attempts to live happily in the human world are complicated by Soah’s former human fiancé and his sister -- who quickly falls in love with the powerless Mui. The former water god’s odd curse remains, too, making him revert to ...
Life as a mortal is horrifying and hazardous for the former water god Habaek! His fragile human form has been cursed by a jealous goddess, and his vengeful mother-unaware of his sincere love for Soah-seeks to kill his human bride! While his mother wi...
Gods and mortals alike are in love with Soah! Driven from her husband Habaek's magical kingdom, Soah's life back on Earth has been pretty miserable so far, despite her many admirers. With Habaek's mother and some of his supposed friends conspiring ag...
With a jealous admirer and a bitter, powerful mother plotting behind his back, Habaek's controversial decision to return Soah to his magical kingdom has the elemental gods and goddesses in an uproar. Habaek, the moody water god who rescued Soah's vil...
At long last, Habaek and Soah are married in a lavish ceremony before all the gods! But that very night, before the troubled water god and his beautiful human bride can consummate their love, the barriers surrounding the lunar palace are breached. Ha...
Mura -- the goddess who’s been trying to separate Habaek and his human bride Soah -- forces Habaek into a showdown on Cheong-Yo Mountain, where she’s most powerful. As a civil war erupts in the realms of the gods, the Emperor puts his own devious...
A bitter goddess tempts Mui to abandon his godhood and spend a short but happy life with Soah as a human! But a goddess’s gift is never without conditions! Mi-Kyung Yun delivers another sumptuous installment of the hit manhwa series, filled with ro...
Trapped in a luxurious castle on the moon, Soah's still separated from her husband, Habaek, who's dealing with his own troubles in the Emperor's fortress on Earth. Cursed to live in the body of a child during the day - when his elemental powers are w...
Betrayed, horribly injured, and still reeling from the fate that befell his former human bride, Habaek is reunited with Soah and seeks to patch things up with her. Will this troubled couple finally be able to recover from the treachery that's warped ...
At the start of this series, Soah was willing to sacrifice her life to the feared god Habaek to save her drought-stricken village on Earth. However, she wasn't killed by the powerful Water God - she was rescued and taken to the magical kingdom of Sug...
Soah, our heroine, is saved from a strange, sacrificial ritual by Habaek, the young Water God. While Soah has come to appreciate the Water God and his kingdom, the heavenly Suguk, she's also fallen in love with a mysterious man named Mui. What she do...
Ambiguous loyalties, vengeful old flames, and the schemes of jealous gods fill Bride of the Water God Volume 8 with heartbreak and intrigue! After Soah is kidnapped from the magical land of Suguk, Habaek - the cursed, lovelorn Water God - is forced t...
Deceived by a shape-shifter, brainwashed by his fellow gods, and a victim of the Emperor's schemes, Habaek is a cursed and deeply confused Water God! Still yearning for Soah, his human bride, Habaek reveals that his memories have been restored and th...
With jealous schemers in both the realm of the gods and on earth working against them, former water god Habaek and his human lover Soah will not only have to struggle to stay together--but to stay alive as well! Korean creator Mi-Kyung Yun's high-sta...