Book 3 in the Mom's Choice Award winning Cats in the Mirror series.Jealousy is a festering emotion, and Miss Fatty Cat was wallowing in it. Boiling over with envy of the pampered and privileged life she thought Kimba and Hiro enjoyed--both on Earth and as members of the space-traveling cat royal family--Miss Fatty Cat enters into a partnership with the rebel group who opposes the monarchy. All of their treacherous plans fall apart when the family unexpectedly moves to Arkansas, but Miss Fatty Cat discovers that this is the perfect opportunity to help orchestrate a kidnapping of Kimba and Hiro while they are cut off from the protection of the Cats in the Mirror. If the sisters are stolen away, how will their human or alien cat families ever find them again?Some cats are born on Earth and never know who they really are. Others are sent. They are undercover for their years on Earth. They know who they are. They know that they are not from Earth at all. And they are part of a bigger plan.Previously in this middle grade science fiction/fantasy series are Moonbeam Award Winning "Why Kimba Saved the World" and "Vacation Hiro."