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Meg Welch Dendler's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    13 Books
  • First Book:
    February 2013
  • Latest Book:
    August 2023
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Book List in Order: 13 titles

  • How can a young cat pick between everything she has ever wanted and everyone she has ever loved? Kimba lives the care-free life of a much loved house cat, but what she really wants is freedom and the wild life for which she was born. Then she learns ...

  • Book 2 in the award-winning Cats in the Mirror series. Destiny is a tricky thing. By its very nature, it cannot be escaped. Hiro and Kimba thought they were free from the pull of their destiny and the scheming of the alien Cats in the Mirror. But whe...

  • Book 3 in the Mom's Choice Award winning Cats in the Mirror series.Jealousy is a festering emotion, and Miss Fatty Cat was wallowing in it. Boiling over with envy of the pampered and privileged life she thought Kimba and Hiro enjoyed--both on Earth a...

  • Max didn't mean to run away, but when he found himself alone in the moonlit woods, he saw his chance for freedom. No humans to tell him what to do. No cats running the house. No one to call him Bad Dog. No fences and no rules. He could be wild and fr...

  • Agent Onyx, also known as Slinky by her human family, was more than happy to spend her Earth-life hiding under beds and cuddling with her girl, Mindy. But when it’s time for Mindy to go away to college, Slinky finds herself being moved to a strange...

  • Dottie didn’t mean to run away. But when she accidentally slipped out of her collar on the Razorback Greenway Trail during a Saturday walk, she began a day of adventure -- exploring the town and the University of Arkansas campus. Along her journey ...

  • Best Juvenile Book 2018 from the Oklahoma Writers' Federation! Fire-breathing dragon headed her way! Princess Bianca had never set foot outside the castle walls. Not once in her over-protected, pink, fluffy life. But when ...

  • Book 5 in the award-winning, best-selling Cats in the Mirror series.When the family leaves for a Christmas vacation, Agent Kimba takes a holiday trip of her own to the ship. Besides the lessons her mother, the high commander, has planned, Kimba is...

  • Survive. However she can. In order to escape the Gathering, Taliya must let the tiger in her DNA protect the human in her heart.Being part tiger and part human should be an advantage—not lead to your extermination. Taliya, a seventeen-year-old ...

  • Princess Bianca the Brave and Percy the Merciful have settled into a comfortable life together as Bianca steps out of her sheltered, over-protected past. But a handsome visitor from a distant kingdom disturbs their peace. A rare dragon egg has been d...

  • Best Juvenile Book 2024 from the Oklahoma Writers' Federation!A young, energetic agent named Snickerdoodle is sent to join Kimba's Earth household. Her mission: to locate the colony from the ship who settled in the Ozark forest five years ago and off...

    • / Women's Fiction
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    It's hard to get on with your life when you're already dead.

    Penny had been stuck in the same diner for decades-ever since she died in 1952. Her diner was comfortable and safe. Serving ice cream to those who dropped in on their way to the n...

    • / General Fiction
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    What if you could be executed for having a friend with a skin color different from yours?Blue citizens are absolutely superior to all others, especially ignorant, uncivilized Orange. Poppy has been taught this relentlessly for twelve years. But when ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Meg Welch Dendler has published 13 books.

Meg Welch Dendler does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Snickerdoodle's Shenanigans, was published in August 2023.

The first book by Meg Welch Dendler, Why Kimba Saved the World, was published in February 2013.

No. Meg Welch Dendler does not write books in series.