Know Your Enemy.
Major Logan Warner came close to taking out Saddam and his sons--only to have them slip away like the cowards they are. But now, a more urgent matter calls Logan and his Alpha Strike team. Their old nemesis, the sadistic Iraqi Colonel Achmed Wasabi, is up to his old tricks.
Find Your Enemy.
Wasabi has constructed a fast-moving, fully-mobile encampment with the sole purpose of locating and publicly executing downed allied airmen--and he's just captured a number of U.S. personnel who are to be killed as an example to the West.
Kill Your Enemy.
With the captives' lives on the line, Logan and his men must rush into battle against their most hated enemy. But even as they enter the fray, the opportunity they believed they had lost presents itself once again--to rid the world of Saddam and his sons . . . once and for all.