Led by a vicious outlaw known as Dill, an elusive band of renegade Cherokee braves spill the blood of native Americans and whites alike, and it is up to U.S. Marshal Handley Nelson to stop them. Original....
SOMETIMES VICTORY COMES DOWN TO JUST ONE MAN... ...and in the days before the Second Gulf War, that man is Chemical Ali--the notorious head of Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological weapons programs. For this high-risk assignment, seven combined s...
In This War It's Not How Many You Kill--It's Who You Kill... ...and on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Captain Logan Warner and his Alpha Team know exactly who has to die: Saddam Hussein. Their new mission is to take out the murderous dictator b...
Know Your Enemy. Major Logan Warner came close to taking out Saddam and his sons--only to have them slip away like the cowards they are. But now, a more urgent matter calls Logan and his Alpha Strike team. Their old nemesis, the sadistic Iraqi Colo...
Soldiers by training, the Cherokee Lighthorse, a new breed of lawmen, prepare for a full-scale war when U.S. General Winfield Scott--known by the Cherokee as "Woman Slayer"--is ordered to break a treaty and march his troops across native American lan...