Book 8 in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series is full of surprises, starting when Bailey's grandmother, Sugar, decides to open a used-book store in a little barn at Keswick Inn. When Bailey, 11, and her friends, Noah and Fred Keswick (12) help unload the cartons, they make a surprising discover. Several books contain clues to a mystery involving a Florida shell found off of Sanibel. Strangers arrive looking for books by a certain author, and the Keswicks surprise the kids with rescue horses to live at the country inn. Bailey helps Miss Bekka, the boys' mother, plan a special surprise for the Book Barn's grand opening, and finally, Bailey must make an important decision. Nonfiction elements of the book include information on horses belonging to famous Americans, Gulf Coast shells, and rescue horses. As with other books in the series, there are discussion questions, a glossary, related reading and Web materials.