Book 10 in the award-winning Bailey Fish Adventure series begins as the holidays approach and a major snowstorm arrives at Lake Anna, Virginia. Bailey and her friends, Fred, Noah and Sparrow Keswick, and her half sister Norma Jean, have new problems to solve. One friend has an accident, a neighbor, Justin, shares worrisome news, and mysterious guests arrive at Keswick Inn. What is their secret? Who is Snooper Dude? Snow is a new experience for Bailey, who spent her first eleven years in Southwest Florida. She enjoys the fun snow activities that she learns from her grandmother, Sugar. Meanwhile, Bailey is not happy about an announcement from her mother, Molly, who is living in Costa Rica. However, Bailey and her friends are more concerned about helping a family in need, and they discover how generosity can multiply. Nonfiction aspects of the book include the Founding Fathers, especially George Washington and Mt. Vernon. Book includes discussion questions relevant reading suggestions, a glossary, and more information about George Washington and his boyhood times.