"JILLIE And Her Sassy Cat" is the third book of Laura Beth's family saga. Thirteen-year-old Jillie and her twenty-year old cousin, Lacey, have discovered they have a magical destiny and a mysterious tie to their great-grandparents' farmland. Along with discovering a mystifying mother cat and her two kittens, the girls reunite with their long-lost uncle Uncle Jake. The kitten, who the girls named Tess, is Jillie's magical protector. Jillie, who is still growing up and trying to have a life in high school, faces many challenges that teens often encounter. Add one very sassy and protective cat causes Jillie to have even more hurdles to clear. How does she handle her magical cat? Whose path does Jillie cross? While Jillie's friends are just having fun, will she be able to focus on her destiny? How does she realize that not all people get a chance to grow up? More magic and mystery lead Jillie to fulfill her destiny determined three hundred years in the past.