Book One in this enthralling fantasy series tells the story of Kira, Tremen healer and leader, as she struggles with the aftermath of deadly attacks on her people by their neighbors the Shargh In seasons long past, twin gold-eyed princes sundered a kingdom. Rejecting his twin brother's warrior ways, Kasheron established a community deep in the southern forests. Forgotten by the outside world and protected by the forests of Allogrenia, Kasheron's Tremen community has flourished, with his legacy of peace and healing still upheld generations on. But now the forest has been breached by hostile intruders. Death and bloodshed follow, testing the skills even of Kira -- the greatest of all Tremen healers, and a leader to her people. As the attacks upon the Tremen become more violent, Kira is faced with a terrible dilemma -- should she stay and risk the annihilation of her community, or set out on a perilous journey north to seek aid from the