Book One in this enthralling fantasy series tells the story of Kira, Tremen healer and leader, as she struggles with the aftermath of deadly attacks on her people by their neighbors the Shargh In seasons long past, twin gold-eyed princes sundered a...
The story of the young Tremen leader and her struggles to defend her hidden homeland continues in book two of this epic fantasy series Deep in the southern forests, the Tremen are being viciously attacked by their neighbors, the Shargh. As ...
The action-packed, sweeping conclusion to the trilogy finds the heroine battling for her people, her beliefs, her love for a man, and, finally, her very existence The mare snorted, wild-eyed, and danced sideways as a dark shape launched its...
Street-kid, thief, criminal: Viv is desperate to change her life.On day release from jail to attend the funeral of her father, a violent drunk she feared and despised, her real father turns up, the powerful angel Archae Kald.He offers to reunite Viv ...
From the author of the critically acclaimed The Kira Chronicles trilogy, comes a paranormal fantasy series set in the wild and dangerous worlds of the Rynth, where the half angel Viv discovers what it means to be both truly human and truly divine.Viv...
Viv didn't abscond from jail to become someone else's prisoner, but that seems to be her fate.As chance would have it, she resembles a people called the elddra, and that makes her both despised and desired. It also makes friends few and far between.V...
Viv thought things couldn't get any worse, but she is about to be proved wrong.Disfigured by the ordeal she has somehow managed to survive, she realizes her grotesque appearance prevents her continuing her search for her mother and ends any hope of a...
It seems Lady Luck has smiled on Viv at last. Or has she?When Viv is offered the chance of a home with the little girl she loves, she grabs it but then the child is snatched. To rescue her, not only must Viv battle the little girl's enemies, but thos...
The Silence of Stone is the second book in The Kira Chronicles series, a high fantasy, richly imagined coming of age story, set in a beautifully crafted world of deep emerald forests and vast sweeping plains. How can fire quench fire?The Tremen are d...
What truths lie hidden in the stars?Kira is alone, her food all but exhausted, the forest and those she loves far behind her. When she stumbles on a stranger under attack, she faces a terrible choice: betray everything Kasheron fought for or walk awa...
Who is friend and who is enemy?When Kira's Shargh captors are attacked, she finds herself a prisoner of those who might prove even deadlier.But then, in a heart-rending twist of fate, their leader is revealed to be the bearer of everything Kira most ...
Must Tremen healing bow before Terak swords?Kira's deepest fears are realized when the Tremen are forced from the forests to join the devastating conflict on the plain.To add to her guilt, she can't remain with the people she leads but must go north....
What is the price of peace?With the fighting over, Tierken pursues Kira to Kessom where she is overjoyed to be reunited with him, but neither have escaped the battles unscathed.Kira's health is fragile and Tierken's aggression is honed from months of...
From the author of the critically acclaimed The Kira Chronicles trilogy, comes a high fantasy story of gender-fluid shifters set in a beautifully crafted island world of soaring peaks and lush valleys where shining silver waterfalls plunge to the oce...