Sharing and Making Friends is the tale of a kitten named Lucy who comes to live with an older tabby cat named Theodore, and his family. Theodore is used to getting all the attention from his owners and never has had to share anything with anyone. When Lucy comes into his home, all that changes. Theodore struggles to cope, and little by little, he comes to realize that making a new friend and sharing his home feels good and makes him happy. Just as children must make room in their lives for their new little baby brothers and sisters, Theodore the Cat discovers the joys of sharing his home and making friends with Lucy. Jessica Lawson plans to write several more perr-fect ( books about cats. Her next, Never Too Small to Play Big, is about her second youngest kitten, Fiesal. Her books will teach kids such lessons as the importance of wearing seat belts in cars and to be tolerant of differences in others. She lives in Perth, Australia, with her husband, Daniel, and their seven pussycats. For more information on Jessica Lawson or her children's books, please visit Publisher's website: