Sharing and Making Friends is the tale of a kitten named Lucy who comes to live with an older tabby cat named Theodore, and his family. Theodore is used to getting all the attention from his owners and never has had to share anything with anyone. Whe...
Becky Thatcher has her side of the story to tell -- and it’s a whopper -- in this creative spin on Mark Twain’s beloved The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, complete with illustrations. Tom Sawyer’s and Huckleberry Finn’s adventures are legendary...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets Clue when six children navigate a mansion full of secrets -- and maybe money -- in this humorous mystery with heart. Sweet, shy Tabitha Crum, the neglected only child of two parents straight out of a Roald D...
With a fresh, funny voice, lots of adventure, and a healthy dose of magic, from the author of The Actual & Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher and Nooks & Crannies -- which School Library Journal called “original, engaging, and funny” in a star...
In the tradition of Rooftoppers and Three Times Lucky, critically acclaimed author Jessica Lawson returns with her fourth whimsical, lyrical, and heartfelt middle grade novel about a girl who’s desperately trying to keep her life together, when eve...
From critically acclaimed author Jessica Lawson comes a “wonderfully enchanting adventure” (Booklist) about an orphaned twelve-year-old girl who is called upon to save her queendom when she finds a tiny wizard in her pocket.Life’s never been ki...