“Steps of a Ghost” is the second collection of short stories from the Diary of Young Mercedes Mace -- the teenage adventures of the sun-sensitive girl-detective, growing up in the frigid frontier state of Alaska. This collection includes: “Poor Kid Quandary (Sophomore)”: Mercy returns from winter camping to discover that she isn't the only spectre wandering the grim perma-night of Alaska's December…! “Shooting Secret (Junior)”: Robbie -- one of Mercy's only friends -- has started to pal around with Leah, the only other faux-vampire in Fairbanks. Ick. But what does she have to do with a grotesque, blood-drenched site in the middle of the woods?? “Prom Night Puzzle (Senior)”: With only three days before the big dance, Mercy takes a case to pay for her dress. Her client thinks his significant other is cheating on him. But trite high-school drama becomes life-scarring tragedy in the frigid winds of a cold night, black within and without!