“From the Files of Mercedes Mace: Kids These Days” is the first episode of a near-futuristic nod to 1940’s detectives, set in an alternate universe. You are introduced to the world of Mercedes Mace as our faux-vampire, Sam Spade-esque detective...
“From the Files of Mercedes Mace: Friends Like These” is the second entry in the Mercedes Mace series, a faux-vampire, Sam Spade-esque detective in a dystopian, alternate San Francisco. Trouble is afoot, this time just down the street: a local So...
“From the Files of Mercedes Mace: Animals Have Hope” is the third novel of the Mercedes Mace series. Our heroine is a faux-vampire, Sam Spade-esque detective in a dystopian, alt-history San Francisco. A brutal serial killer is rampaging through h...
“Welcome to My Life” is the first collection of short stories for the Diary of Young Mercedes Mace -- the adventures of the faux-vampire girl-detective, growing up in the frigid frontier state of Alaska. This collection includes:“Happy Camper C...
“Infiniti Eternia” is the first of the Mercedes Mace: Parallel Realities series. Now she’s ‘Merci Masu,’ Marshal of the First Habitat on the Rock -- an asteroid colonized by five million humans, sent on a 2,500 year journey to Alpha Centaur...
“From the Files of Mercedes Mace: Happening to Me” is the fourth novel of the Mercedes Mace series. The summer of 2021 is a hot mess: war, bombings, heat waves. Madness, chaos, and pain occupy the attention of our sun-allergic detective, who swea...
“Steps of a Ghost” is the second collection of short stories from the Diary of Young Mercedes Mace -- the teenage adventures of the sun-sensitive girl-detective, growing up in the frigid frontier state of Alaska. This collection includes: “Poor...
Olivia can hear the sound of a butterfly’s wings, smell rain three days away, see details far off in the distance, and sense water flowing under the ground. But her magic doesn’t stop there. Her closeness with nature enables her to feel an inner ...
After graduating from Juilliard, harpist, Jenna Fields, returns home to Albany to escape her manipulative ex. But coming home means dealing with her mother who has orchestrated every detail of Jenna's life. Waiting for a job offer that will allow ...
For a thousand years, the two most powerful families in the world of witchcraft have been at war. To end the violence once and for all, they arrange a union between their children, Tessa and Rafik.At a dinner party meant to finalize the marriage nego...
For a thousand years, the two most powerful families in the world of witchcraft have been at war. To end the violence once and for all, they arrange a union between their children, Tessa and Rafik.At a dinner party meant to finalize the marriage nego...
A warlock king on a mission to defeat an ancient enemy, supernatural beings who can't seem to straighten out their love lives, and the secrets that bond them all...Mistreated all his life and forced to climb the ranks under a ruthless dictator, the w...
This is not your usual happily ever after paranormal romance with a naughty witch and hot werewolf twins.This is a dark fantasy- much darker.When the widow Tessa Mason drives to a werewolf territory in Virginia to attend her estranged twin brother...
A dark paranormal fantasy...not for the faint of heart!Tessa kept every promise she ever made to the wolf pack she controlled.Protected them from all enemies, seen and unseen.Their children had never known a day of sickness, hunger, or violence. In r...
She’s hoping for the vacation of a lifetime.He lives a life of peace and quiet in the woods.When their secrets are revealed, they’ll have their hands full...of each other.Soon after moving in next door to the Forest Ranger, Hazel Parker d...
After suffering a devastating loss, Morana Faye accepts a new job in Europe.While being introduced to the colorful townspeople, she meets a man who claims to be a thousand year Viking.Challenged by the mysterious man, Morana feels pulled to him by fo...
She's a werewolf who suddenly woke up in a strange, new world.He's an ancient warlock with a nasty reputation.It's a bond that she doesn't want, but one she just can't resist.When Gretchen learns she can never ever go home again, she embarks on a jou...
On a mission to forget her boring life back home, romance author Evelina Morales lives it up while she's away on business.When she meets a man straight from the pages of one of her books, she lets herself get swept up in the magic like those lucky wo...
With the entire world on the verge of war, a witch with a serious memory problem teams up with her greatest enemy to find her daughter. But when he gives Tessa a potion to restore her mind, she discovers those secrets she longed to remember were only...
A woman transported to a magical world, the man who swore in blood to protect her, and the twisted secret that threatens to destroy them both...Instead of her routine morning jog before work as a contract attorney, Emily Gazer runs straight into a ma...
Welcome to Stories from the Realm, a page-turning tale of witches, pirates, shapeshifters, vampires, and a Viking-like tribe that'll keep you entranced until the very end. ClaimedA warrior princess sent on an impossible mission, the prince who decide...
A daydreaming shopkeeper and the handsome pirate stuck in her favorite painting chase adventure and learn to navigate the dangerous seas of a magical world they cannot escape.When Marcy opens her oddities shop one snowy morning, she discovers the shi...
When Faith returns to her hometown for a job interview, she comes face to face with her first love who broke her heart twenty years earlier.Dominic never left his childhood home, becoming a doctor at the tiny county hospital where he is asked to sit ...
A not very special witch starting over in a sleepy little mountain town, three brothers who all have her in their sights, and one very big problem...A dark and steamy reverse harem romantic fantasy from The Broken Immortals Series....
Strapped for cash when I lost my job, I made a deal with the devil.In exchange for money to care for my dying father, I agree to work in a remote region near the Canada border.When it's time for me to fulfill my obligation to my employer, I'm sent to...