Most folks said Jake Spooner had more guts than sense when it came to his West Texas cattle ranch. And with the bankers pullin' the lasso tighter 'round his neck, it looked like he'd gone plum loco. Despite reports of blood thirsty Sioux on the warpath along the Bozeman Trail, Jake decided to drive his five hundred longhorns clear up to Montana. He figured them beef-hungry Big Sky goldminers'd pay him more'n enough to save his spread -- if he didn't get himself scalped on the way.
Fightin' prairie blizzards and a hail of outlaw bullets, Jake pushed his cows across hostile territory, smack dab into a full-scale Indian war. With Red Cloud and his warriors soaking the land with army blood and stealin' everything in sight, the cattlemen were ridin' for their lives. Pinned against the Big Horn Mountains between savage war parties and outnumbered U.S. Cavalry troops, Spooner fisted his Greener and fired over his herd. Stampeding wild, the cattle led the bluebellies and cowpokes in a last ditch attack to rout the savage braves . . . or die!