RENEGADE AMBUSH Most folks said Jake Spooner had more guts than sense when it came to his West Texas cattle ranch. And with the bankers pullin' the lasso tighter 'round his neck, it looked like he'd gone plum loco. Despite reports of blood thirsty...
BLOOD CANYON With the beaver trade played out up north, weren't much left for trappers like Zack McClendon and his pard Peck Overstreet 'cept trailblazing for greenhorns headed West. Guiding a wagon train of muleskinners and settlers to Santa Fe, ...
KILLIN' FIELDS For nigh on twenty years, Jim Dawson made his own way in the tough terrain of the Rocky Mountains. Trapper, scout, trailblazer, he reckoned he'd done his share of hardlivin' and aimed to settle on something a mite easier. So, when a w...
Ain't no telling which way a man's life is gonna lead him until he's down the road a ways. Take a cuss like mountain man Wolf McKord, best damn trapper in the Northern Rockies. Then, after all them good years in the hills, he up and starts breedin'...