Galen and Allucian have taken Kantmarck, splitting Vormund in two and bringing more and more lands under their control. As Helmswood plans a strike to reclaim the kingdom, Kaybree finds that their only hope is to delve into her family's hidden past to unlock the full measure of her powers. But the more she learns, the more horrified she becomes. As she discovers the true power of the Witch, she sees no way to use it without destroying all she wishes to protect. She also worries about her growing relationship with Mikael. Is their love strong enough to fight the evil within her -- or will it corrupt him instead, turning him into a creature of darkness like Allucian? In this concluding volume of Kaybree the Angel Killer, all secrets of Angels and Witches are revealed, and Kaybree must face the truth of her destiny before humanity brings down its own destruction.