Kaybree has grown up hearing stories of the Angels, mythical beings who used to defend Nordgard from the creatures of the forest. After leaving mankind without guidance for centuries, they returned fifteen years ago, leaving a fiery swath of destruc...
The Angel attacks continue, and when the next Angel disables Kaybree's powers, her mother is forced to unveil her inventions to protect the city from another wave of monsters. As Kaybree searches for the source of the spell that disabled her, she al...
Kaybree is a Witch, a being born once a century with the power to break the world -- a power which she wants to use to cure disease, alleviate suffering, and build a better world. But the Angels, mankind's holy guardians, have the sacred calling to ...
Galen and Allucian have taken Kantmarck, splitting Vormund in two and bringing more and more lands under their control. As Helmswood plans a strike to reclaim the kingdom, Kaybree finds that their only hope is to delve into her family's hidden past t...