Creative introvert, Rosemary Hamilton, lives day by day, her fragile existence disrupted when she acquires celebrity neighbour, Marco Dallariva, charismatic world-champion motorcycle racer who lives life on the edge. Their initial meetings are disastrous. Opposites, clearly, do not attract even if they share troubled ground. When Rosy knocks Marco off his motorbike in the driveway of his secluded home, there's hell to pay-but also a spark of undeniable attraction. Rosy is puzzled by her deep anxiety when Marco goes missing, and, when he finds himself desperate in an emergency, he immediately turns to Rosy. To share Marco's life, Rosy changes her own. Always in his shadow, without freedom or privacy, friends or family, she exists beyond her comfort zone. Against all odds, the relationship flourishes-but cruel, life-changing secrets have nowhere to hide. Are Marco and Rosy heading for a win? Or will they wipe out in the face of a devastating, impossible choice?