Disillusioned and dumped, London girl, Olivia Sinclair, hides out in the English countryside, unaware that handsome local stranger, Zachary Jordan, is a world class athlete. Deeply attracted to his intuitiveness and apparent sixth sense, Olivia never...
Beth Johnson, an upbeat, hardworking, single mum living in London takes the humorous challenges of life in her stride. Her career is fast-tracking but that's secondary to baby Jacob - his care and development are paramount. When her impeccably-organi...
Although Lara Fairmont directs passion and focus into her London business, it goes bust with spectacular finality. Despondent, almost bankrupt, she nabs an astonishingly well-paid job as a carer for an elderly grande dame of Lobster Cove. What could ...
Creative introvert, Rosemary Hamilton, lives day by day, her fragile existence disrupted when she acquires celebrity neighbour, Marco Dallariva, charismatic world-champion motorcycle racer who lives life on the edge. Their initial meetings are disast...