In 1973, a child was born. Okinawa, Japan was his birthplace. However, his mother didn’t want him born. She wanted him to be born stillborn. She claimed she didn’t want him to be born overseas. And, she almost got her wish, as that child had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck in the womb. The American military doctor recognized this fact when his mother pushed to get him out of her. With every push, his vital signs weakened. Two weeks prior that doctor had another child that died because the cord was around its neck as well. The doctor knew what to do this time. And, that was why Sera’naphsus came to earth and was born Rene Thomas Colby on January twenty eighth in nineteen hundred seventy-three. And, it was in 1973 that eventually an angel was born strong enough to understand himself for what he was. That was the year that an infl uential angelic Elder was born to Aeal or earth for her protection and that of the fallen angels, as humans walking around on her surface.