Disguised as fiction, The Angel Chronicles takes you to a world undiscoveredthe real world and a world of personal discovery. It chronicles the life of Rene Thomas Colby. Just a man or so he thought. Until he discovers how to start believing and unde...
In 1973, a child was born. Okinawa, Japan was his birthplace. However, his mother didn’t want him born. She wanted him to be born stillborn. She claimed she didn’t want him to be born overseas. And, she almost got her wish, as that child ...
The time was the great rift between fallen angels, as humans; it was the supposed time of the great freedom when there were no rules on earth. And, that time was when earth wasn't even called earth. It was nothing to them and something in the same mo...
Red thru Black: Curse of the Dawn Keeper, the exciting latest series of the author. It tells the story of the Dawn Keepers and Dark Treaders, their battles. It's romantic, and exciting, suspenseful and puts the reader through twists and turns and pus...
Dawn Killer: The Wrath of Penny Horn comes with the usual Red thru Black series spin, aside from the heritage of the Dawn Keepers and Dark Treaders waging their wars, there are the underlying social and familial battles ensuing. Along with the twists...
Red thru Black: Curse of the Dawn Keeper, the exciting latest series of the author. It tells the story of the Dawn Keepers and Dark Treaders, their battles. It's romantic, and exciting, suspenseful and puts the reader through twists and turns and pus...
The newest installment of the Red thru Black series: Secrets of the Keepers, and among those secrets lay the truth that just may lead to the discovery of what really happened, that life in all forms came to exist upon earth. Ever heard of planetary e...