“Part BioShock, part X-Files, part Sopranos -- and 100%, uncut Nickle . . .
a glorious, chaotic delight” from the Bram Stoker Award"winning author of Volk (Peter Watts, author of Blindsight). Post"Cold War, a group of Russians bred from childhood to be psychic spies are called from around the globe to achieve their true purpose: world domination. But some of them have flourished in the lives they have carved out for themselves -- often in nefarious ways -- and they will not give up their freedom without a fight, even as a new generation of telepathic children, the beautiful dreamers, are coming into power . . .
Rasputin's Bastards, David Nickle -- the acclaimed author of
Monstrous Affections, and
Volk -- offers readers “an enormous tale, bewilderingly complex, but with lots of twists and turns that reward close attention. It is grotesque, violent, and exciting, with a supernatural tinge that is his hallmark” (Cory Doctorow,
“This novel is supernatural eeriness at its best, with intriguing characters, no clear heroes, and a dark passion at its heart. Horror aficionados and fans of Stephen King's larger novels should appreciate this macabre look at the aftermath of the Cold War.” --
Library Journal “Stiffly compelling. Once you're done, there's no question: the hours spent enfolded in Nickle's imagination are well spent. You won't ever feel the desire to ask for them back.” --
January Magazine “A journey from the depths of the sea, the heart of Mother Russia, to the darkest corners of the soul.” -- K. E. Bergdoll,
The Crow's Caw