“Rich characters and a love of unique twists top off a captivating and sometimes gruesome collection of nightmares” from the award-winning author of Volk (Corey Redekop, author of Husk). Winner of the Black Quill Reader’s Choice Award, M...
This debut horror novel by the author of acclaimed short story collection Monstrous Affections “establishes him as a worthy heir to the mantle of Stephen King” (National Post). Set in 1911, Eutopia “mixes utopian vision, rustic Americana...
“Part BioShock, part X-Files, part Sopranos -- and 100%, uncut Nickle . . . a glorious, chaotic delight” from the Bram Stoker Award"winning author of Volk (Peter Watts, author of Blindsight). Post"Cold War, a group of Russian...
When Mitchell Owen's first and best crush Delilah disappears, Mitchell finds himself the guest at a very strange party, whose hosts know more than a little about Mitchell's burning love, and may know just a bit too much about what happened to the ...
A warning, to those who go to that place down south and don't take the warnings about the in the Fodor's Guide about the local fauna seriously enough. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is part of Stoker Award-winner David Nickle’s collection...
When Michael was a kid, he saw his grandfather fly, unaided, over the family's vegetable garden. As a young man, he is obsessed with learning the old man's secret. But grandfather's nowhere to be found, and his grandmother has secrets of her own. ...
Janie has a taste for pulp fiction and a eye for the unseen. On a retreat at a horror writer's island lodge, a wind comes on the lake that offers her a taste for something at once more familiar and forbidden. From Monstrous Affections, this tale i...
The mayor holds a news conference, as his city's grief for a child killed in a tragic auto accident grows into something terrible. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is part of Stoker Award-winner David Nickle's collection of short fiction about lo...
When Shelly's dad comes home from a stint in jail, he brings with him an unlikely talisman to make sure that everything in the family's life will be sweetness and light from now on. Or else. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is part of Stoker A...
A roadside burger joint is transformed into an arena for a pint-sized battle royale, as gangs of sugared-up Children of the Corn Syrup are goaded on by a demonic child whose taste for mayhem knows no bounds. From Monstrous Affections, this tale i...
Four landscape painters learn that the true cost of inspiration is blood, in the abandoned mines of a Northern Ontario ghost town. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is part of Stoker Award-winner David Nickle’s collection of short fiction abo...
A 1930s B movie actor returns to his mother's side in rural Idaho for the funeral of his father, killed helping clear up after the derailment of a circus train. The official word is death by elephant--but word around town is that something older e...
Drugs, booze, the music of Led Zeppelin and a fish who prefers Rush turn a weekend jam session into a moment of transcendence and depravity for four old high school friends trying to recapture their glory days. From Monstrous Affections, this tale...
A young bride and her future mother-in-law have a quiet conversation about the true nature of the men they love--and together, learn that the true nature of love may in fact be nothing more a terrible trap. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is ...
Swamp witch looks after her town like a terrarium full of beloved newts--and the only thing she asks of them is one Saturday night free, to see her man Albert Farmer. But all things must change, and when the mysterious tea-drinking man shows up wi...
Two boys contend with a terrible hound, a lingering feud, and the ghosts of a great war in Depression-era Ontario. From Monstrous Affections, this tale is part of Stoker Award-winner David Nickle’s collection of short fiction about love in all ...
A young man at loose ends finds he cannot look away from his new lover's alien gaze. A young woman out of time seeks her old lover in the cold spaces between the stars. The fleeing worshippers of an ancient and jealous deity seek solace in an unsuspe...
"The Claus Effect" is a continuation of "The Toy Mill," the 1993 Aurora-Award-winning story about a malevolent, post-industrial-revolution Santa Claus and Emily, the little girl whose wish to be a Christmas Elf nearly destroys the world. The Claus Ef...
Stories of the mysterious and macabre from “Canada’s answer to Stephen King” (Helen Marshall, author of Gifts for the One Who Comes After). In this follow-up to his award-winning debut collection, Monstrous Affections, David Nickle stret...