As the final Midnight's Edge approaches, Kasey faces a devastating reality, the Wickcliff ancestors have unleashed mayhem on the residents of Sleepy Meadows, taking many lives and acquiring many souls. Reluctantly taking on the role of the town's leader, he must face uncertain odds, with the help of his friends and spirits from the other side, and not everyone will survive.In the ghost realm, Jeremy, still in control of Jason's mind, plots to return to the mortal realm by possessing Shelly's son. With Rory mysteriously missing, Shelly searches the dark realm and comes face-to-face with Belinda Malodar, an ancient evil with connections to the Wickcliffs. To save Rory, Shelly must face her deepest fears, and to save Ethan from the ancestors' hold over him, Kasey embarks on a shamanic journey to confront his tortured past, one that could lead to his destruction.