In the mortal realm, Kasey Menze lives a simple life in the small town of Sleepy Meadows. But his life is soon turned upside down when he begins to have horrific visions of death, which he doesn't understand. In the ghost realm, the evil spirit of Je...
Jenny's Not Dead is a spine-tingling mystery series written by David Chappuis and Michael KlingerEpisode #1: In the town of Lake Forest, nestled in the cool mountains near misty Loon Lake, mystery dwells in every shadow. Jenny Rourke, tragically orph...
Successful in his plan to return to the mortal realm, Jeremy Wickcliff believes he's found his son, whose body will allow him to continue to live, and he has brought back his sister, Rachel, as part of his resurgence plan for the Wickcliff family. Ho...
In the third book of the Midnight's Edge series, Kasey Menze has found himself misplaced from his life in the mortal realm. His body has been possessed by the vile spirit of Jeremy Wickcliff; His life has been stolen. He awakes in the spirit realm, a...
In book 4 of the Midnight's Edge series, Shelly Hawkins-Wickcliff must protect her son from Jeremy Wickcliff's deranged sister, Rachel. As Jeremy plans to manipulate his son, Jason, into allowing him to inhabit his body, he and Damon Shields square o...
As the final Midnight's Edge approaches, Kasey faces a devastating reality, the Wickcliff ancestors have unleashed mayhem on the residents of Sleepy Meadows, taking many lives and acquiring many souls. Reluctantly taking on the role of the town's lea...