Since their introduction in Medics Wild!, the zany Williard brothers? adventures have become increasingly science fictionish in nature, involving a real dinosaur in the Congo one time and factual evidence of Bigfoot (or more likely an alien) the next, but this escapade tops even those past exploits for strangeness. THREE FOR THE MONEY takes place after the turn of the century when the Williard brothers of Vietnam war fame are beginning to show their age, but aren't ready to slow down yet. They are headed into their wildest adventure yet, involving a treasure worth far more than their inherited billions even if they can collect the money, which becomes increasingly doubtful, because others want it, too. Their attempt to find the money and the baffling object that may be the real prize will set the stage for their antics to last for many, many years to come. Of course first they have to defeat the mysterious Mister H and his beautiful assistant, the CIA, the FBI, and the Mexican army, th