Nathan Isenart, an FBI computer forensics specialist, digs too deep into what looks like a professional assassination only to discover that he's become the next target. He's also a killer when his handler switches on that part of his personality.
Three schools of thought for the next generation soldier, and three successful, field-tested projects. The Farm uses from-the-ground-up conditioning, children raised in a controlled environment, chemical enhancements, embedded computing. Wolfsbane uses segments of mind to store isolated identities with different specialties and training -- like a toolbox, so that the killer identity can coexist peacefully with the other identities. Barnhouse focuses on biowarfare and gene-enhanced poisons, using extended chromosome technology -- a new pair of chromosomes to alter the physical arrangement and abilities of its operatives, additional biological features without screwing with the underlying structure.
All three produce dangerous human weapons. All three stomp all over individual rights. And someone wants to wipe them out.
Or one of them wants to eliminate the competition.