Sea Throne is the sequel to Seaborn (Juno Books). Kassandra prepares for war against her grandfather, and is confronted on all sides. Nikasia, the daughter of the king's war-bard--who claims descent from Circe--seeks revenge for the murder of her fat...
Praise for Seaborn:"From the first page of Seaborn, you are immersed. Chris Howard navigates a wild ride through a brilliantly edgy and richly atmospheric alter-world. Here is a fresh, formidable spin on fantasy, and Howard is a talent to watch out f...
Saltwater Witch: Kassandra comes from the sea, but she has no memory of saltwater, seagulls, or an incoming tide. She's never seen an ocean, never heard the thunder of surf. She's an exile, betrayed by her own family, sent as far from the sea as the...
Chapter 2 of the Graphic Novel version of Chris Howard's Saltwater Witch.An army of the drowned dead, family betrayal, an exiled witch who doesn't know she has power--or that enemies are lurking all around her, spying on her. Follow Kassandra as she ...
The Wine of Ravens is heroic fantasy in the same vein as Robert E. Howard's Gaelic swordsman, Cormac Mac Art, except with less swordplay and more eschatological research... with summonable ravens.If you can see into the future, gods will take notice ...
Chapter 5 of the Graphic Novel version of Chris Howard's Saltwater Witch.An army of the drowned dead, family betrayal, an exiled witch who doesn't know she has power--or that enemies are lurking all around her, spying on her. Follow Kassandra as she ...
Chapter 6 of the Graphic Novel version of Chris Howard's Saltwater Witch.An army of the drowned dead, family betrayal, an exiled witch who doesn't know she has power--or that enemies are lurking all around her, spying on her. Follow Kassandra as she ...
Chapter 4 of the Graphic Novel version of Chris Howard's Saltwater Witch.An army of the drowned dead, family betrayal, an exiled witch who doesn't know she has power--or that enemies are lurking all around her, spying on her. Follow Kassandra as she ...
Nathan Isenart, an FBI computer forensics specialist, digs too deep into what looks like a professional assassination only to discover that he's become the next target. He's also a killer when his handler switches on that part of his personality.Thr...
An addictive new drug fuels superhuman strength and speed in this action-packed sci-fi thriller that will have fans of Scott Westerfeld and Marie Lu on the edge of their seats... Only those young enough can survive tetra, a dangerous drug that cre...
“There’s a brilliant madness to this deadly post-apocalyptic world, filled with complex characters, shifting loyalties, and layers of mystery… a nonstop adventure” -- Publishers Weekly, starred review of Rootless GenTech Corporation scours t...