From his first professional story written when he was 16, Â"The Faces Outside,â to his most critically acclaimed work, the novelette Dream Baby -- a finalist for both the Hugo and Nebula awards -- these 17 stories showcase the author's five decades of science fiction writing. Whether it be an elderly woman who uses her vast wealth to create a genetically perfect son (Â"Angelsâ) or a young boy who learns the rituals of an alien culture in order to obtain an assassin's help for his unborn sister (Â"Kinâ), the stories resonate with a child's sense of wonder coming face-to-face with the realities of the human condition in a science-fictional world. The book also features story notes that reveal each story's origin as well as the influences -- both literary and human -- on the author's life and writing career. An introduction by science fiction great Harry Harrison, an afterword by the John W. Campbell Memorial Award-winner Barry N. Malzberg, and cover art by 2005 Chesley Award -- winner John Picacio, make this a keepsake collection.