In this acclaimed classic novel of ESP in war--praised by reviewers and readers alike as both a riveting science fiction thriller and one of the finest chronicles of the Vietnam War--young Army Nurse Mary Damico dreams the deaths of soldiers before t...
From his first professional story written when he was 16, Â"The Faces Outside,” to his most critically acclaimed work, the novelette Dream Baby -- a finalist for both the Hugo and Nebula awards -- these 17 stories showcase the author’s five dec...
When man's emerging star-empire met that of the savage Cromanths, the alien hordes began a war of extinction against humankind. So overwhelming was their power that Earth's outposts and finally the Earth itself were utterly destroyed. But one starshi...
Some boys play baseball or computer games, but Brian keeps an army of shells in their dresser drawers. And every night, he fights for the honor of the Queen Conch and wears the marks of battle to breakfast in the morning....
During the Cold War a 13-year-old American boy, Brad Lattimer, moves with his family to a fishing village in Northern Italy. It is no ordinary village. But Brad is welcomed like a long-lost cousin. His teacher is a gentle hunchback with a lisp who is...
"La Signora", by Bruce McAllister, is a dark fantasy about a teenage American living in an ancient Italian fishing village with his parents. He’s invited by his friends to go night-fishing on one special night, and although he knows his parents wou...
Matt is a secret weapon. Naturally immune, he serves his country by spreading plague in places his government wants to destabilize. It’s only politics -- he knows that -- but it changes you. First you’re afraid to touch anyone, and then you’re ...
From his first professional story written when he was 16, "The Faces Outside," to his most critically acclaimed work, the novelette Dream Baby, a finalist for both the Hugo and Nebula awards, these 17 stories showcase the author's five decades of sci...
The Man With No Name finds himself in another western movie from another auteur director in another red dust and adobe town. He’s an old man, for God’s sake. Does he really have to do this? Another Morricone score whistles in the background. Ever...
Stealing God And Other Stories: A young woman in an abandoned house brings ruin to every man she meets. A wise-cracking hitman is recruited by an angel of God to kill the oldest vampire on Earth. A son travels into the past to find the mother he lost...