Nineteen-year-old Devon Torres has lived the past several years of his life dealing drugs and running the streets of South Atlanta. Separating himself from his family and clinging to his business, he thinks he has everything figured out--until he meets Shaniece Simmons. Shaniece doesn't know much at all about Devon. All she knows is that she feels drawn toward him. When he is caught in a drug bust and sent to prison, she visits him regularly and continues to pursue a relationship with him, even with her parents and friends insisting that she should stay away. No one, not even Shaniece, can understand why she continues to see Devon, but she knows that there is a purpose behind their relationship, and she is not going to stop seeing him until that purpose is fulfilled. With love on her mind, Shaniece is only praying that he will change his life so they can be together, instead of asking God to save Devon's soul for his sake.
Will Devon let go of the streets and allow Shaniece to guide him in the right direction before he gets into more trouble than he ever expected? Will Shaniece learn that a selfless prayer is what God desires of her? And when Devon seems not to want to change, will she give up all hope that he can be saved? Only prayer and perseverance will tell.