In this compelling debut novel, several students, each dealing with their own problems, provide their perspective on high school life, including Nevaeh, a straight-A student who finds her relationship with her boyfriend of three years--and her faith-...
Three years ago, Shimone Johnson found herself struggling with being pregnant and barely out of high school. Now she is a senior in college and majoring in Music. Her three-year-old daughter, Ebony, is now her life, and she hardly has any free time t...
Kenda Tyson has lived a pretty wonderful life. Her parents are lawyers who own their own firm, and they provide their 17-year-old daughter with only the finest. Kenda has come to expect that the men in her life will continue to offer her that sa...
Nineteen-year-old Devon Torres has lived the past several years of his life dealing drugs and running the streets of South Atlanta. Separating himself from his family and clinging to his business, he thinks he has everything figured out--until he mee...
Lauren, Jayda, Danielle, and Brenda are finishing their senior year of high school. They seem to have perfect lives, but these girls have more to worry about than finals and college applications. Lauren has an inextinguishable infatuation with he...