Meet Abbie Arden, a quirky young woman who at last realizes her life's passion: the written word. Abbie, fledgling editorial assistant, is assigned to the American Open, a tennis tournament held each August, where, among other things, she must interview Max Tadeo, a gorgeous, Spanish, professional tennis player (poor Abbie has a fetish for accents), and, well... Max is a tad unusual himself. Abbie encounters a few problems on her mission to become "superjournalist" she thinks tennis is for people who enjoy chasing green balls (boring ); she has sworn off all men (even sexy Spaniards); and last but not least, Abbie wants "real" stories, not tennis fluff Within the pages of Love Match, a sense of belonging envelops Abbie out of the blue, new friendships develop and investigative reporting takes a life-threatening twist. Love Match follows along as the neurotic but lovable heroine ultimately has to choose to live for love or for fear.