Meet Abbie Arden, a quirky young woman who at last realizes her life's passion: the written word. Abbie, fledgling editorial assistant, is assigned to the American Open, a tennis tournament held each August, where, among other things, she must interv...
Peter Pan: a live television special on NBC in 2014!Lyrics from two beloved songs from Peter Pan are transformed into a magical picture book sure to enchant the musical’s legions of new and returning fans. Acclaimed songwriters Betty Comden,...
“This amusing picture book encourages imagination and individuality.” -- BooklistFrom the acclaimed author and illustrator of The Big Umbrella comes a delightful celebration of creativity and gumption about a girl and her panda that’s Calvin a...
“The gorgeous illustrations and lovely storyline make this an instant classic.” -- Kirkus Reviews (starred review)From the creator of The Big Umbrella comes another poetic and lushly illustrated picture book about the joy of companionship and th...