Introducing Detective Chief Inspector David Fyfe, a tired Edinburgh cop whose disregard for law enforcement by the book is both his strength and his weakness. Too far into middle age, too lax about his marriage vows, too fond of booze, and too sarcas...
Edinburgh's Detective Chief Inspector David Fyfe is a middle-aged police detective with a fondness for the easy way out. So he can't refuse the opportunity to escape Edinburgh's usual urban confusion for a murder-suicide in a sleepy village in the Sc...
While investigating the murder of a wealthy old spinster, Detective Chief Inspector David Fyfe has a beautiful suspect whom he once let walk away from a murder scene come back into his life, only to discover that it can only mean trouble....
Dear Reader, Out of the mouth's of babes... No truer words were ever spoken regarding children and their capricious and often amusing expressions. Herein, are candid observations of life, as witnessed through the eyes of Samantha. Cosmic Rainbows, Wi...
Corbin and two school friends plan to prank a popular girl in order to teach her a lesson. Things turn bad fast, years later Corbin heads the Murder and Robbery Unit in the Police force and realise that their past has come back to haunt them in a way...