Virgil, Thomas, and me took the European sports car and left
the desert. We drove fast and didnÊt get pulled over, which
is good because the car is really expensive, and I think Virgil was
worried about such a nice car getting ruined ...
Book III of the Dr. Phibes Series; Dr. Phibes In The Beginning. ATTENTION DR. PHIBES PHANS AND UNITE...HE’S BACK! �" Dr. Phibes is back and this is the story you’ve all been waiting for.In 'Dr. Phibes In The Beginning' you will discover 'The Ori...
Book I of the Dr. Phibes Series; Dr. Phibes tells of the good doctor’s obsession to exact revenge upon the nine victims he believes are responsible for the death of his beautiful wife, Victoria Regina Phibes. Each murder is more macabre and more ab...
Dr. Phibes: In The Beginning tells the origins of the phantom-phantastic and exactly how he became who he is, of the enigmatic Victoria Regina Phibes and those wonderful and wondrous ‘Clockwork Wizards’, and what the good doctor is doing right no...
Book III.V of the Dr. Phibes Series; Dr. Phibes Vulnavia's Secret reveals that the newspaper headlines are horrifficaly true...he's back...Dr. Phibes is back...again and on a forever-mission! Dr. Phibes returns again in this newest installment of "Th...
Book II of the Dr. Phibes Series; Dr. Phibes Rises Again! is the must-read terrifying sequel to Dr. Phibes. The story is an absolutely frightening and bone chilling ride down Egypt’s sacred River of Life. This spellbinding story will truly keep you...