A coming of age story set in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe during the transition...
'Our first weeks living in Malta were a shock. We arrived in high summer in 1970 and, from the air, the island looked like a patch of charred earth - not what we imagined a Mediterranean island to be. As Malta is only 60 miles from Libya, it felt as ...
Rhodesia, 1972.Tessa Harmand is nine-years-old when a humiliating experience forever alters her naïve perception of the society in which she lives, forcing her to question her own attitude to her black compatriots - an attitude she's inherited f...
It is a stage career that Kate really wanted above all else--above husband, home, and children--then why couldn't she get Pete out of her mind? Fateful Meeting... "Stagestruck!" was the way Kate Brown's Aunt Diana always put i...