This 75,000-word novel showcases the soap opera-like lives of three flight attendants of color. They work through and share their personal experiences both in and out of flight. Whitney - A single parent committed to her first love who's spent severa...
Shock jock extraordinaire Wendy Williams lets loose with the first in a series of novels based on her alter ego, the divalicious radio DJ Ritz Harper. Ritz puts the s in shock and the g in gossip, and Drama is her middle name. Ritz is a suburban ...
DJ Ritz Harper used every trick in the book to become a media darling in Drama Is Her Middle Name, shock-jock Wendy Williams's expose of a life she knows better than anyone. Playing a clever trick of her own, Williams left her heroine on the brink of...
As the reigning "Queen of Radio," Ritz Harper has managed to out, ridicule, jack up or mess over everyone and anyone, from hip-hop stars to high-class snobs. So, she's decided to take her career to the next level: Hollywood, baby! Decked out in Ch...
Move over 50 Shades, there’s a new romance in town. Superstar Wendy Williams brings on the heat in her first ever, no-holds-barred, down and dirty, romance novel. Kimberly Kind is trying to get beyond her roots. A successful, beautiful, smart la...
In the vibrant heart of New York City, young love blossoms between Madeline, a rising concert pianist fresh from Juilliard, and JB, an NBA star with dreams as high as his jumps. Their love story is a delicate dance, a symphony of passion and ambition...