A hilarious, tongue-twisting story about three brothers who marry three sisters and live happily ever after with their children and pets is introduced in a zany picture book illustrated by an award-winning artist....
Based on a Belgian legend, a boy who is separated from his parents shows his dislike for the raging war by doing his business right on the battle, thus causing both sides to stop fighting, have a laugh and, in the end, make peace with one another....
Long ago in Italy, a mighty asparagus grew smack-dab in front of the king's castle. Was the king happy about it? No. The asparagus had to go. But how does a king reason with an asparagus of such stature?
With tongue planted firmly in cheek, V...
In the beginning there was a doodle. A doodle named Dude. Unfortunately for Dude, no one likes a doodle on a clean white wall, even if he is a blue elephant with lovely brown shoes. So our hero is chased off and forced to search for a new home. Rejec...
A New York Review Children’s Collection Original
An ALBUM of old photos?
Here celebrated artists and authors Vladimir Radunsky and Chris Raschka put a delightful new old-fashione...