Following an act of nuclear hara-kiri initiated by the first computer to possess genuine intelligence, the superconductor samurai's two offspring battle over how best to save humanity from total destruction...
Okeanos, a water world settled centuries ago by a group of Federation separatists, is now rocked by a power struggle between the natives and the ex-Federation colony. When the U.S.S. Enterprise is sent beyond the Federation's boundaries to the planet...
SHE WAS THE PERFECT SCOUT Resourceful, ruthless, beautiful, apparently without fear, Scout Lieutenant Cassie Suthorn of Camacho's Caballeros is as consummately lethal as the giant BattleMechs she lives to hunt. Only one other person in the freewhe...
RISK IS HIGH...AND LIFE IS CHEAP Three centuries ago, the Earth was abandoned -- and the Stellar Collective was formed. Now their deathbirds do the dirty work -- an intergalactic kamikaze fighting force made up of criminals sentenced to die for th...
The Business of War.... Zaranda Star never intended to bring the incessant Tethyrian Civil War to a head. All she wanted to do was take a caravan of goods into the war-torn capital. But then the ambitious would-be king, Baron Hardly, confiscated her ...
ROCK AND A HARD PLACE The enigmatic Draconis Combine industrialist "Uncle Chandy" Kurita owns property on planet Towne. Upon hearing news of the secret Black Dragon ,Society's plans to invade, Uncle Chandy dispatches Cassie Suthorn and Camacho's C...
A deadly mercenary force named Camacho's Caballeros and their ace operative, Cassie Suthorn, attempts to unveil the traitorous Black Dragon secret society before they can succeed in sending the entire Inner Sphere off its course. Original....
A DARK AND BLOODY CRUSADE... A Clan Jade Falcon force is en route to eradicate the Steel Wolves--but its true mission is the subjugation of The Republic of the Sphere. Constrained by an imposed peace for decades, the Falcons embark on their most s...
She has found her vision-and it is of doom... Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen and her warriors are encamped on the planet Skye in their Occupation Zone, overseeing the consolidation of power on the worlds they've wrested from The Repub...
A DARK WARRIOR RISES...Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander Malvina Hazen and her warriors are in their Occupation Zone, overseeing the consolidation of power on the worlds they've wrested from the collapsing Republic of the Sphere. When a ship appears at Sk...
A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wi...
Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upsta...
Victor Milan's The Dinosaur Princess is a thrilling epic fantasy adventure set in an alternative world of intrigue, beauty, brutality…and dinosaurs. WELCOME TO PARADISE: A primordial world with every species of dinosaur, large and small. And...