Vendela Vida’s fearless, critically acclaimed fiction debut follows the unpredictable recovery of a young woman as she tries to make sense of her life after an encounter at gunpoint.Accosted one afternoon in Riverside Park by a man who doesn't want...
On the day of her father's funeral, twenty-eight-year-old Clarissa Iverton discovers that he wasn't her biological father after all. Her mother disappeared fourteen years earlier, and her fiance has just revealed a life-changing secret to her. Alone ...
Twenty-eight years ago, Peter and Yvonne honeymooned in the beautiful coastal village of DatCa, Turkey. Now Yvonne is a widow, her twin children grown. Hoping to immerse herself in memories of a happier time--as well as sand and sea--Yvonne returns t...
From the acclaimed author of "Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name" comes a taut, spellbinding literary thriller that probes the essence and malleability of identity In Vendela Vida’s taut and mesmerizing novel of ideas, a woman travels to Ca...
An achingly beautiful story of female friendship, betrayal, and a mysterious disappearance set in the changing landscape of San Francisco Teenage Eulabee and her magnetic best friend, Maria Fabiola, own the streets of Sea Cliff, their foggy ocean...