The Adventures of Selwyn and Robert began when the author was a teenager creating bedtime stories for her young nephews, who eagerly awaited each nightly installment. Each story had a message, and each adventure was different. This particular adventu...
This book was inspired by my own desire to look for pictures in the clouds as a young child. My intention is to try and help children to realize the importance of being able to use their imagination and develop the five senses, especially during this...
Janie has rediscovered her ability to create a world of images in her mind. In Fun with the Animals, she has found a closeness to these special friends whenever she has the desire to do so. This ability helps her to keep her sense of excitement and j...
Selwyn and Robert replaced Squary Wary and Roundy Boundy who were the original characters. Because of circumstances, they became Selwyn and Robert. The author felt it was appropriate to change the images in order to fit in with the new characters. As...