Black Sun Reich: Part One of three in The Spear of Destiny, the first novel in a new steampunk, horror, alternate history, action-adventure series set in a 1920s where the Nazis have begun their subjugation of the world using the occult, advanced sci...
Death's Head Legion: Part Two of three in The Spear of Destiny, the first novel in a new steampunk, horror, alternate history, action-adventure series set in a 1920s where the Nazis have begun their subjugation of the world using the occult, advanced...
In "Shadows Will Fall," from Trey Garrison’s The Spear of Destiny trilogy, a ragtag band of reluctant, bickering, swashbuckling heroes is locked in a globe-spanning race against Nazi occultists, clockwork assassins, and a darkly charismatic command...