The known world floats upon the Breath of God, a thick gas similar to Earth's oceans, with land masses accessible by airship. The largest of these land masses are ruled by the rival empires of Freya and Rosia. Magic is intrinsic to the functioning of...
In a world where magic is intrinsic to the fabric of everyday life, two kingdoms, centuries-long enemies, have long sought a powerful magical weapon that will win them lasting dominance. But neither realm is ready when they are both attacked by the B...
Margaret Weis and co-author Robert Krammes bring the enthralling Dragon Brigade trilogy to a thrilling conclusion in "The Seven Sigil," a sweeping novel of worldwide war and personal redemption.
Five hundred years ago, a clan of rebels was banishe...
The start of a swashbuckling adventure from New York Times bestselling author Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes
Captain Kate Fitzmaurice was born to sail. She has made a life of her own as a privateer and smuggler. Hired by the notorious Henry Wall...
The swashbuckling adventures of Captain Kate Fitzmaurice continues in Privateer with another thrilling epic tale of the Dragon Corsairs from New York Times bestselling author Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes.
Captain Kate soon escapes from prison...
From New York Times bestselling author and leading fantasists Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes comes Kingmaker, the thrilling conclusion to the swashbuckling Dragon Corsairs series.In this exciting adventure, Kate and Sophia and their dragon Dalgren ...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Margaret Weis; Robert Krammes has published 6 books.
Margaret Weis; Robert Krammes does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Kingmaker, was published in August 2019.
The first book by Margaret Weis; Robert Krammes, Shadow Raiders, was published in May 2011.