Here is an unprecedented fiction debut that is cause for celebration. Growing up in a family that valued the art of storytelling and the power of oral history, Thomas Steinbeck now follows in his father’s footsteps with a brilliant story collection...
Thomas Steinbeck has been praised by Publishers Weekly for his stylistic brilliance and accomplished voice. Now, his enthralling novel In the Shadow of the Cypress blends history and suspense with literary mastery and brings vivid realism to Californ...
American merchant Captain Jeremiah Macy Hammond is at the forefront of the New World. His trading empire faces pirates, violent storms, and illness as it forges new paths across the Pacific Ocean, opening new markets in Hawaii, Mexico, and China. It ...
Titus Gatelock was well known to just about everybody around King City who possessed a horse, a mule, or any close approximation with “four legs and a whiny”; though this commonly used phrase would be highly misleading in the case of Mr. Gatelock...
For those who claimed his acquaintance, and they were only a pitiful few, Dr. Greenlaw appeared a most unexceptional gentlemen, until one clear and polished spring day, he decided to take a walk down toward a small boat yard. As he passed the boat y...
By any standard one would care to apply, Mrs. Penngelli had survived the "slings and arrows" of misfortune with most of her courage, faith, and good sense intact, and many wondered how she did so. " In Mrs. Penngelli and the Pirate, we meet Sarah Pen...