Hoping to escape painful memories about his recently deceased father, Nathan Carter journeys to rural Vermont, where bad weather prompts his meeting and subsequent friendship with seventy-nine-year-old Wallace Fiske, a social outcast with his own dif...
The lives of brothers Charlie and Owen Bender are changed forever on the night their father walks into the Vermont woods with a death wish and a shotgun. The second shock comes when his suicide note bequeaths the family's restaurant to Charlie alone,...
Envious Moon is a harrowing tale of the sometimes dark obsession, and often sensual beauty, that accompanies young love. With a nod to Romeo and Juliet and reminiscent of Endless Love, Thomas Christopher Greene tells the story of two young lovers and...
Thomas Christopher Greene pens a haunting and deeply affecting portrait of one couple at their best and worst. Inspired by a personal loss, Greene explores the way that tragedy and time assail one man’s memories of his life and loves. Like his ...
Two former lovers reconnect in this beautiful and haunting tale of great lost love from the critically acclaimed author of The Headmaster's Wife Deeply affecting and compulsively readable, The Headmaster's Wife was a breakout book for Thomas Chris...
A seemingly perfect marriage is threatened by the deadly secrets husband and wife keep from each other. Susannah, a young widow and single mother, has remarried well: to Max, a charismatic artist and popular speaker whose career took her and her f...