The first in the “beautifully written” Edgar-winning series featuring an NYPD detective working the mean streets of Manhattan’s West Side (The Washington Post). Detective Neil Hockaday, a son of Hell’s Kitchen who grew up to join the N...
"The case is yours, I fear," Police Captain Davy Mogaill said. "And what grander case may a detective crack than the mystery of his own makings?" Detective Neil Hockaday, hero of New York's elite S.C.O.M. (Street Crimes Unit-Manhattan) patrol, has...
Fresh from his ancestral Irish home with a new bride, old ghosts, and a terrible thirst, Hockaday is drawn into a vicious homicide case. A spate of homosexual deaths around New York City, written off by the police as suicides, are soon revealed to be...
This “irresistible” police procedural “bares the New Orleans underbelly few tourists get to see” (Publishers Weekly, starred review). NYPD detective Neil Hockaday has traveled to the Big Easy, hometown of his wife, African-American act...
A rabbi is killed and a Catholic procession is sprayed with gunfire in this crime thriller in the “beautifully written” Edgar-winning series (The Washington Post). NYPD detective Neil Hockaday has acted on his conscience by reporting a fel...