“Medical suspense as sharp as it gets. Euliano is off to a good, no, a brilliant start.” -- Kathy Reichs, New York Times best-selling authorEnd-of-life care -- or assisted deathWhen her elderly patients start dying at home days after minor sur...
A device that can save a life is also one that can end it Kadence, a new type of implanted defibrillator, misfires in a patient visiting University Hospital for a routine medical procedure -- causing the heart rhythm problem it's meant to correct. Dr...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Tammy Euliano has published 2 books.
Tammy Euliano does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Misfire, was published in January 2023.
The first book by Tammy Euliano, Fatal Intent, was published in March 2021.