In sparse, evocative prose, T Cooper tells the story of four splintered lives: Isak is a "gender freak" to the world at large. Taylor is so simultaneously perfect, yet useless, that she is paralyzed. Her mother Arlene is lonely and pill-popping, whil...
A postmodern family saga by one of America’s freshest literary voices Upon landing at Ellis Island in 1903, Esther and Hersh Lipshitz discover their son Reuven is missing. The child is never found, and decades later, Esther becomes convinced that...
A polar bear tries to go green--in Hollywood, with Leonardo DiCaprio--in an outrageous tale that includes equally outrageous full-color illustrations.
JUST A SMALL TIME BEAR, LIVING A LONELY WORLD: What happens when an arctic refugee finds him...
The Colors of Love is a modern day love story based on the real lives of two young Philadelphians. Take this journey with Lauren and Akki (I-Kee) as they struggle to live their lives while trying to love one another. Motherhood is Lauren's top priori...
Melanin Magic was written for young queens who have read a geography book in school or seen a television show, and dreamed of visiting a country outside of their own. In just seven days, this young girl travels all around the world on her magical car...